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Roadmap to Referrals

Dec 25, 2018

The final episode of 2018 for the Roadmap to Grow Your Business podcast. I thought I would do something a little different.  This is a look back at the top 5 fan favorites (and mine too!).  In this episode we review the top 5 episodes and then replay the number 1 favorite episode from 2018!  Here we go!

Links to the top...

Dec 18, 2018

Before we moved to my new website - - earlier this year, I had a popular article on my old site on the business lessons learned from my small business owner clients.  For many years I was a business and productivity coach and coached business owners year in and year out. During that time I...

Dec 11, 2018

We are wrapping up our mini-series on the client experience and this episode is for those of you ready to move from the 1.0 version of your client experience to the 2.0 version. From the two previous episodes - #024 and #025 - we discussed what the client experience is, why it matters (referrals of course, but other...

Dec 4, 2018

Do you know what it is like to work with you? Have you ever thought about it from your client's perspective? I hope a smile just broke out across your face and not that concerned, scrunched up forehead look of worry and concern. Let's dive in to today's episode to learn how to create a Client Experience worth...

Nov 27, 2018

There can be a number of reasons why you aren't receiving the referrals you deserve. Most all reasons can be solved just with education and then you taking action. This episode kicks off a mini-series to give you the knowledge you need to take a different action in your business so you can start...