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Roadmap to Referrals

Apr 27, 2021

One hundred and fifty episodes.  150 episodes!  It's mind blowing to think about hitting this milestone. When I started, I wondered if I would hit it.  I mean, I always planned to hit this milestone when I started but 150 weeks is a long time. But together, we did it. Yes, with your continued listening,...

Apr 20, 2021

Share and tell... the grown up version of "show and tell."  Join me for my first "on-location" episode as I record from my favorite writing spot in Asheville and dish about the newest book I'm writing (book #2), specifically the hang ups I'm facing. 

Plus I've announced the date for the next live Referrals Challenge......

Apr 13, 2021

We are continuing on with breaking down the six layers of the referral strategy with layer #5, which is focused on planting referral seeds with new clients.  This episode brings into light an area we haven't discussed on the podcast in way too long... which is having a sticky client experience and being referable.  This...

Apr 6, 2021

Over a series of episodes we've been breaking down the six layers of the referral strategy. The first two layers are plans you need to have, the existing referral source plan and the potential referral source plan. The other 4 layers are language tactics, tools in your toolbox you need for specific moments to help...