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Roadmap to Referrals

Oct 25, 2022

Growth doesn’t just happen, you have to be intentional about it. But something many business owners don’t discuss is being intentional about how you grow your business, and this can make all of the difference. Denise Pough is the founder of A-Jay Interiors by Dee, where she specializes in combining lifestyle,...

Oct 18, 2022

Tracking isn’t the most exciting thing to do. It does, however, reveal some amazing data to help you better your business. It shows progress and decisions, including the outcomes of those decisions. As we continue into Q4, it’s more important than ever that you have the right metrics when it comes to referrals. With...

Oct 11, 2022

Hopefully, you can tell that this title is sarcastic because getting more referrals isn’t complicated and it’s not complex.  All it comes down to is identifying your referral sources and then taking care of them in the right way.

Many people second guess the basics because they seem too simple and they’re not...

Oct 4, 2022

Defining your core values allows you to identify what’s truly important to you now or what you want more of in your life. They’re the essential foundation to finding purpose, and knowing your core values helps you to make value-aligned decisions—which in turn makes hard decisions that much easier. So, in this...