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Roadmap to Referrals

Jun 25, 2019

First what is a CX and RX? Second how are they different and should I really care?  See how well I know you!  It's like I'm in your head reading your mind.  Well in this episode we are defining CX and RX and I'm sharing how they are different and why you should care.  I have noticed with my Growth By Referral members...

Jun 18, 2019

We are back with another On the Spot coaching episode where you get to listen in as I guide a business owner through their current referral reality and what they need to be doing to receive more referrals. 

You can find all resources and links mentioned on the show notes page at

Jun 11, 2019

A critical step in the process to receive more referrals and receive them more consistently is to nail the thank you card you send to the person who sent you the referral. In this episode I share all of the details. The type of card (yes, you have options), what to say (there are 3 objectives to what you write), who...

Jun 4, 2019

People who are trying to generate referrals consistently in their business seem to make the same rookie mistakes.  And rookie mistakes can be made no matter how long you have been in business. I know business owners in business 5, 10 or more years STILL making these mistakes.  For this episode, we are diving in to 4...