Sep 29, 2020
On today's episode I am answering a question from a member of our community who wanted to know why he didn't convert one referral into a client - when he was referred 17 potential clients at one time. My answer may surprise you.
You can find the details behind the question plus all resources I mention on the show...
Sep 22, 2020
Having testimonials is paramount in building social proof and what our clients typically look for when deciding to hire us, or validate their decision in hiring us. So you need to have testimonials from your clients and an easy way to gather them continually, as you need them. This episode gives you 3 tips to make it...
Sep 15, 2020
We all know what "stranger danger" is from our childhood. But listen to this story and two powerful keys as to why someone would hire you, buy from you when you are a stranger to them... all because they are referred. This episode is meant to be inspirational... to motivate you to go after the referrals...
Sep 8, 2020
Maybe your "working while schooling" is just getting started or maybe you've been doing it for a few weeks. It's hard (as you know what), challenging and stressful. So in this episode, I share 3 specific productivity tips to help you during this time.
You can find the resources mentioned in this episode on the...
Sep 1, 2020
Challenging isn't the right word. It doesn't seem to accurately describe the juggling act that parents - who are working - are attempting to manage with kids schooling from home.
And the younger the kid(s), the increase of crazy. Plus stress. So we're looking at two sides of "Working While Schooling" coin.