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Roadmap to Referrals

Jan 25, 2022

Do you ever wonder what it's like to operate a referable business and what it takes to get it there?  How about hearing from a business owner who did it and is continuing to do it year in and year out. So join me for this episode as I talk to attorney Katherine Taylor about how she built her referable business.  ...

Jan 18, 2022

Do you know with precise clarity WHY you are referred? And I don't mean for the problem you solve.  Your competitors solve the same problem as you... so why do your referral sources pick you to refer to?  In this episode I'll explain why this matters (so very much) and how to find out why you are referred.  Yes, I even...

Jan 11, 2022

There are three big - or key - referral strategies you need to put in place this year. You don't need to put them all in place at one time but by the end of the year, or by the end of 2nd Quarter, make it a goal to have all three of these in place. The three strategies are separate strategies but overlap in a few...

Jan 4, 2022

If you want more referrals this year, you should know where you are starting from.  When you set the wrong referral goals, you focus on the wrong strategies or worse - abandon some good intentions that weren't set up correctly.  What you do this year to generate referrals starts with where you are and where you plan to...