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Roadmap to Referrals

Mar 26, 2019

It's time I set the record straight (again) about how and when to apply my "no asking for referrals" philosophy. You should never ask for a referral, but that doesn't mean you can't ask for other things... like reviews and testimonials.  I have found that people apply my "no asking" strategy to situations that are...

Mar 19, 2019

In this Q&A episode we have a very special guest joining me as the guest interviewer. For the most part she sticks to the script but when she doesn't, it is really funny!  She is asking me questions about rewarding for referrals, how to move someone from trusted contact to referral source and how my paid programs work...

Mar 12, 2019

Almost everything in life comes with hard work, and maybe having a little luck thrown in for good measure. But we also need magic. Not the kind of magic you think I mean, I'm talking about the kind we create ourselves. In this episode I will show you how to create magic with your planning and goal setting. 


Mar 5, 2019

It's a mix of excitement and nervousness... thrill and dread... anticipation and concern. You feel as if you are caught between two very different emotions, all at the same time. Only one thing can bring these dual feelings on - year one and year two of your business. Let's dive in to the FEW key things you should...