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Roadmap to Referrals

Apr 30, 2019

Do you spend a lot of time networking and wonder about your return on investment? It could be because you view networking all wrong. The focus should be on smart networking - strategic networking - ultimately to be known by a network. In this episode we discuss how to turn your networking into smart networking. 


Apr 23, 2019

I was approached by a lady at a conference where I was speaking who shared, "this information you provided is just what I needed.  Thank you so much. It actually got my husband and I on the same page (they are co-owners of the business). So what was this information? In this episode we dive in and in the process we are...

Apr 16, 2019

Maybe you love talking about money, revenue, profit... maybe you hate it! Regardless though of how you feel about it, you need to be able to master it if you want your business to have true sustainability, not just growth. This episode we are diving in to help you master your profit with our guest, profit expert...

Apr 9, 2019

Here's another opportunity for you to listen in as I coach a small business owner on how to use data in her business to reveal her referral reality and how to close the gaps.

All resources mentioned can be found on the show notes page at of the Roadmap to Grow Your Business...

Apr 2, 2019

One thing that stinks about business is when a prospect says no. But what if a prospect is trying to say yes and you miss it? Sounds crazy I know, but today's episode with sales expert Nikki Rausch will amaze you at the buying signals people miss from their prospects. There are 17 buying signals in fact. We dive in to...